Yannik Zamboni, the just announced winner of Making the Cut ‘s third season, will debut his maison blanche runway show on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 9 p.m. at 35 Cortlandt Alley. The crowning episode of the fashion competition series, hosted and executive produced by Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn, premiered today on Prime Video. This will not only be his first runway showing in NYC but also his first after the announcement of his big win.

Yannik Zamboni established his conceptual fashion line maison blanche in September of 2020 showcasing his signature brand of “queer anti fashion”. The ethos of the brand is described by Zamboni as “queer within the meaning of different, abnormal, or not according to expectations. Its subversive content is reflected in the deconstruction and deposition of codes. It forms a side-stream to the mainstream and serves subcultures. maison blanche’s anti-fashion takes the liberty to create its own (ab)normal. It rewrites unwritten rules, completely detached from the oppressive ideas of social ideologies and the fashion industry.”

The current collection titled “BACK” is poised to fulfill the promises to challenge the preconceived notions and possibilities of fashion. Zamboni describes it as a “demonstration of a lived reality, in a time where walking backwards seems to be celebrated by society fused with the idea of what could be if we’d appreciated moving forward.” Please be advised the maison blanche NYFW show is for mature audiences and may include nudity and political content.
Collaborators on the show include Creative Director Ben Prince, Stylist Martin Gregory Jerez, Casting Director Blair Broll, Hair Stylist Will Schaedler and Makeup Artist Mical Klip.