When it comes to sudden downpours in the Spring, it seems you have two solutions: You either have a handy umbrella stashed away in your purse, or your jacket has a hood. If you have neither, you are out of luck. I came across a brand called Hairbrella a few months ago that promised to deliver a hood in colors that included a vibrant red that would protect your hair – and eyes and face – from the rain, with a satin lining underneath that prevents your hair from getting frizzy. Never one not to try a unique and nifty product, I decided to give it a go and see if it could deliver.

There are three things I have to say about Hairbrella: 1) It does what it is supposed to do and protects your hair and face from the rain while keeping your hair frizz-free, 2) Its vibrant red hood is quite the eye-catcher, and 3) The hood gives it an undeniable nerd factor, reminding me of something from Star Trek, but it is undoubtedly unique.

If you are unafraid to add a little nerd to your look, the vibrant red hood will certainly attract the attention of on-lookers in the pouring rain, and it will definitely do the job it is supposed to do. It is a unique, surprisingly chic way of keeping your hands free when you’re in the middle of a downpour, and it can easily be stashed away in your purse until it is in need. As April comes to a close, and the rain is just not stopping, Hairbrella might be precisely what we need.

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