The Fashion 360 Mag Holiday and New You issues were ALL about wellness – we recommended three main components to achieving the ultimate internal wellness: drinking lots of fluids, using an infrared sauna blanket, and getting good sleep, which would then present itself in glowing skin, a great body, and shiny hair.

Nut milk is a game changer, but constantly buying nut milk in the store can get expensive. There is now a solution, Nutr, an at-home nut milk maker that you can make any kind of nut milk with – cashew, almond, soy, etc. The best part is, you can also make hummus, collagen green smoothies, and other beneficial, healthy drinks with the Nutr. Nutr saves a ton of money over time if you buy your nuts in bulk and keep them in a sealed container. It is extremely simple to use and the video below provides a simple guide, and if you follow Nutr’s Facebook page, they frequently post videos explaining how to make different things.

Although milk is important for babies to receive calcium, when we become teenagers and then adults, milk is actually terrible for the gut. It is a staple part of the American diet, which makes it extremely hard to get through to the bulk of the population that milk is making people sick. It in turn makes people live shorter lives, gain weight, and age their skin.

Now that you have incorporated these lifestyle changes that we already know are making a huge difference, it is equally important to make adjustments to your diet. The gut-brain connection is very real, and our mood, our mental health, our skin, our hair, and our body, are all GREATLY affected by what we consume.

I am absolutely in love with my Nutr, and since switching to the nut milk that I make with the Nutr machine – I always add dates to, for flavor. I have noticed differences in my digestion, my mood, and the softness of my skin. It was an exciting new component to my wellness journey, which I have been documenting on Fashion 360 Mag for over a year.

Alexandra Kaplan of Fashion360

Edited by Wynter Aiken

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