The December Holiday Issue and January New You Issue for Fashion360Mag is hyper-focused on wellness products and services that help people achieve their healthiest internal state, creating outer transformations. We are most excited about the MiHIGH Infrared Sauna Blanket of all the products we are covering.

The MiHIGH Infrared Sauna Blanket uses “far-infrared heat,” a special type of heat used in regular infrared saunas to heavily detoxify the body. Because of the way it is made, it can penetrate deep into the body, pulling out subcutaneous toxins (the ones near the surface) and pulling out visceral fat in the body and the toxins inside the visceral fat cells.

Products we have recommended in the past for shedding fat cells, such as fat freezing packs, only get rid of the subcutaneous fat cells. So while you do drop sizes, you don’t lose any pounds, and scientists say there are no health benefits to it. Subcutaneous fat doesn’t hold toxins. Other than infrared heat, there is no way except exercise to lose the visceral fat that surrounds the organs, getting rid of the toxins in the fat, ultimately helping you lose actual pounds, become healthier, and live longer.

The MiHIGH Infrared Sauna Blanket acts just like an infrared sauna, but for a fraction of the price of having a full sauna in your home. Additionally, it wraps like a sleeping blanket around your body, directly contacting your body. There are virtually zero side effects.

A half-hour in the MiHIGH blanket will cause you to shed 600 calories of visceral fat – that means, if you use the blanket for three hours a day, you can lose up to 20 pounds a month on it while getting rid of very real toxins in the visceral fat. This means that, with the blanket, if you eat full, healthy meals, you can stay healthy while losing a ton of excess weight quickly. Because of its bacteria-killing properties, it is also excellent for skin and hair. Last but not least, using the MiHIGH Infrared Sauna regularly will help re-align your sleep patterns.

You can buy the Experience Kit for an extra $100, which includes a blanket insert you can use each time, and then wash when you are done with the sauna each time. The infrared light/heat can penetrate through the layers of the blanket, including the insert, and this saves you the trouble of having to wipe down the infrared blanket each time you use it if you plan to use it frequently. I plan to use the MiHIGH blanket three hours a day until I’m at my goal weight.

For our December Holiday Issue, we encouraged you, when preparing for your beauty transformation in the New Year, to focus on three main things: using the MiHIGH infrared sauna blanket at least once a day, fixing your sleeping habits (which we write about in another article), and hydrating yourself frequently. When used in tangent, these three steps will help you completely transform your hair, skin, body, and face, not to mention greatly benefit your health within six months.

Edited by Lexi Wiens

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