UncuttArt, the notorious artist behind the “Protect Yo HeArt” street art found on sidewalks in every major city, recently launched a clothing line with customized “Protect Yo HeArt” jackets, scarfs, t-shirts, and hats. UncuttArt is now delving into the world of NFT’s, selling 204 NFT’s, from the collection “TheReBirth.” Celebrities such as Madonna and Jamie Foxx have been fans of his brand, and the NFT’s are a veritable pot of gold waiting to be purchased.
NFT’s are images, videos, and other media snippets that you own the digital rights to. If it is distributed online, you own all the profits from the digital distribution. You also control whether it is distributed online or elsewhere.

#ProtectYoHeART was created in 2009 by UncuttART
Although buying an NFT is a little complicated, it is VERY worth Googling to fully understand how to make the purchase, and as the value of NFT’s continuously goes up, and as long as you own the NFT, the value belongs to you. To learn more about how NFT’s work, read our article “Christie’s and NFT’s”, coming out this month. It will overview a panel Christie’s held around NFT’s.
Although the process of buying an NFT is a little complicated, it is VERY worth Googling, to fully understand how to make the purchase, and as the value of NFT’s continuously goes up, and as long as you own the NFT, the value belongs to you. To learn more about how NFT’s work, read our article “Christie’s and NFT’s”, which will be coming out this month. It will overview a panel Christie’s held around NFT’s.
Edited by Wynter Aiken