As Mother’s Day is in the air, many readers at Fashion 360 Mag want to find a gift for Mom that will be unforgettable and last a lifetime. The type of gift that Mom will still be using twenty years from now. This gift, dear readers, is an Il Marchesato umbrella.
Il Marchesato is an Italian umbrella company that makes the most luxurious, high-quality, beautiful, handmade umbrellas imaginable, which protect you from the rain just as well as any rain umbrella. The most confident among us could use it in the sun as a sun umbrella – the umbrellas are versatile and luxurious enough that this could be pulled off well.
I am gifting my mother a dark blue umbrella from Il Marchesato adorned with large gold flowers. I imagine it will be one of the best Mother’s Day gifts I’ve ever pulled off. The umbrella in question is no longer for sale on their website, but many other equally beautiful options are.

Lightweight Women’s Folding Umbrella
This is the type of gift that Mom will remember and use for a lifetime, making it well worth the price. She will remember the gift every time it rains and, if she chooses, every time the sun comes out. It is truly a timeless gift.
Edited by Wynter Aiken